Forum Discussion

mcaballe_135435's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 19, 2014

Create a pool of virtual servers

Is there a way to send cloned traffic to a virtual server for manipulation? I would rather not use a sideband server since I've found this has some limitations.


  • Arie's avatar
    Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus

    You can configure cloning traffic right in the VIP-configuration (i.e. send it to a pool). Is that what you are looking for?


  • Are you actually wanting two identical copies of the connection to send each one to two different VS's? Or do you have a connection being processed by VIP A and you want to perform some logic on the connection on VIP A and if it meets a certain condition then have VIP A send the connection to VIP B to handle?

    If the latter, then you can use a node statement in the irule of VIP A

    ...some logic
    if { $LOGIC eq "1" } {
    } else {

    If the former, then you are basically limited to connection cloning and/or sideband connections

  • Im wanting to send identical traffic to a VS as well as to the intended production server. I need to be able to send the identical traffic to the VS to manipulate the URI prior to sending it to an IDS.


  • Gotcha, okay I am not sure if cloning will meet your needs since you want the forked connection to actually got to another VS and not just to another backend pool.


    It seems like a sideband connection would work for this, are there certain limitations on sidebands that are blocking you from that route?


  • Yes, ive set up the side band server and seem to get the requests ok for the most part. Im seeing two issues: 1.) How do i prevent responses from the sideband server from coming in? I just want the sideband server to update the uri and move the traffic to a certain pool.


    2.) How do i fork the response traffic from the production server to the sideband server? It seems i can do an HTTP::collect and HTTP::payload for the request, but not the response.