Forum Discussion

F5_Jeff's avatar
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Jan 16, 2018

Copy a branch of Per-request Policy

hi all!


is there a way to copy a branch in a per request policy then paste it to another branch?


i think that this can be done if the branch is already configured as a macro but in our scenario, all branches are configured manually.


is there a way to do this or the only way is to configure it manually?


Thank you.


  • Hello,

    to my knowledge this is not possible. however you have several ways to proceed.

    Policy A: Policy that contain branch rule that you want to retrieve.
    Policy B: Policy where you want to copy the branch (macro).

    Copy the policy A to Policy B bis then remove everything you do not need. Of course you can follow this procedure in case or Macro that you want to retrieve demands more effort than rebuilding the rest of politics.

    For future policy create a template based on one of your policies. This will allow you to retrieve branding and all macro...

    Hope that answer to your question.
