Forum Discussion

Andrea_Arquint's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 11, 2013

cookie value



I would like to create a cookie in response which has different values combined.





HTTP::cookie insert name "CTRL" value "CREDENTIALS=admin&USER=jsmith"










HTTP::cookie insert name "CTRL" value "CREDENTIALS%3Dadmin%26USER%3Djsmith"






But when I do a request the cookie is not created. How can this be done?


I figured out that it just works sometimes but not for every request. Is there a limitation about charakters allowed in cookie values?



Thank you




  • I'm not aware of any limitations regarding characters.



    1) Is this the only iRule assigned to the VS?


    2) What are you using to confirm the cookie exists?


    3) Could you add some logging like: 'log local0. "Cookie inserted" that might help?
  • Posted By What Lies Beneath on 04/11/2013 04:43 AM


    I'm not aware of any limitations regarding characters.



    1) Is this the only iRule assigned to the VS?


    2) What are you using to confirm the cookie exists?


    3) Could you add some logging like: 'log local0. "Cookie inserted" that might help?


    Hi Steve


    Sorry for that. I see that the cookie insertion was done corectly but just the "log local0." did not work. curious :-)


    After all: If a cookie is inserted like I did it works anyway. I don't know why the log does not all the time but basically it works!



    thanx bb