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JPBentes_351479's avatar
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Feb 09, 2018

Connection to MySQL using BIG IP

Dear all Sorry for the very basic questions but I am new in this environmet ( I am working on a project where I have to balance 3 read/write servers thorough a BIG F5 that costumer manages )


What are the required changes in configuration to a Java client to interface with BigIP ? Do I need to use Connector/J ?


Can I use the virtual IP of load balancer in the connection string ?


What do I need to have installed in the BIG IP ?


  • Hi JPBentes,


    Load balance of SQL is not really usual, I don't think the big-ip adds great value here. There are no tools to make sql protocol easy to manage afaik.


    There are sql monitors that may help you improve resiliance but nothing else apart from that.


    From the big-ip point of view you can configure a virtual server with no protocol profile. Oneconnect profile may help you save you some tcp handshakes. Apart from this I don't see much.


    Load balance based on the connection string should be doable but it doesn't look an easy task. You will need to go down TCP layer and perform binary scans to get the information you need to load balance. This can be useful: