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rafaelbn_176840's avatar
Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus
Jan 04, 2017

Connection Mirroring. How to check through CLI?

Hello guys!


How's everybody doing? Hopefully you all had a great new year's party!


I was labbing connection mirroring yesterday. When I first configured my cluster, I did it manually and forgot to check mirroring and to select at which interface the mirroring sync would occur.


When I checked my VS to mirror the connection and modified the persistence profile to also mirror it's states, the GUI didn't say anything about the mirroring not being up. After about 30min of troubleshooting I figured it out and everything worked like a charm.


My question is: Is there a tmsh command that I can execute to check if the mirroring is actually happening. It would be even better if I could check the mirroring tables.


Many thanks! Rafael


  • Hi,

    You can try :

     tmsh show sys conn type mirror

    And also on the Standby unit :

     tmsh show sys conn
    you should see the connections in there as well if they are mirrored.


  • Salim_83682's avatar
    Historic F5 Account


    You can try :

     tmsh show sys conn type mirror

    And also on the Standby unit :

     tmsh show sys conn
    you should see the connections in there as well if they are mirrored.


    • rafaelbn's avatar
      Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus

      Hello Salim!

      I don't know if it's the version I'm using, but you pointed where I should look. The actual command is show sys connection type mirror. The output was exactly what I was looking for!

      root@(bigip1)(cfg-sync In Sync)(Active)(/Common)(tmos) show sys connection type mirror
      Sys::Connections  tcp  5  (tmm: 0)  none
      Total records returned: 1


    • Salim_83682's avatar
      Historic F5 Account

      You are correct, my bad. I will edit my answer to fix it.




    • rafaelbn's avatar
      Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus

      No worries Salim! You pointed me on the right direction! Many thanks!