Forum Discussion

Tom_Schaefer's avatar
Aug 09, 2019

Connecting to invalid Server with SERVERSIDE SSL

I must be reading the documentation wrong. I am trying to ensure a connection to an external TLS server has a valid CA and a valid certificate. I have a virt with a SERVER SSL profile that sets drop for both Expire Certificate Response Control and Untrusted Certificate Response Control. Note it is not clear to me this comes into play when I connect to a server (as opposed to the client side).


I also ran into an issue with the certificate's CN not matching thehost name in the request. That connection is also made without an issue. The ignore setting for Server Certificate is not applcable unless one sets the Authenticate Name (which I have not found a way to do via an iRule).


Is there some magic to accessing remote servers via HTTPS to ensure I am connecting to a server with a valid cert?


I used an interesting site called to test this.


Tom Schaefer

  • JG's avatar
    Icon for Cumulonimbus rankCumulonimbus

    The result is expected for the configuration you have.


    You need to change "Server Certificate" from "ignore" to "require", and enter the name defined as "Common Name (CN)" in the SSL certificate of your app server in the field "Authenticate Name". Make sure you choose a CA bundle that can validate the SSL certficate of your app server in the field "Trusted Certificate Authorities".


    Apply the irule above to log the validation result to assist troubleshooting.

    • Thanks. That is a problem as I have a single virtual server for outbound https servers. I use an iRule to select the profile and set the host name. I was hoping to not have to create a separate profile for each remote host I want to connect with. It sounds like that is not an option.


      If I had the ability to dynamically set the Authenticate Name in an iRule, that would help.


      I will say it was not obvious that the Invalid and expired options were dependent upon the Server Certificate being set to require.


      Thanks for the assistance.

      • JG's avatar
        Icon for Cumulonimbus rankCumulonimbus

        I simplified a bit. In other words, "Authenticate Name" must be covered by the certificate sent by the app server.


        When F5 connects out, it needs to verify the authenticity of its peer by validating the certificate it receives from the app server.

    • One more point,. that iRule will have to wait until we are on v13 as that event is new to v13.


  • JG's avatar
    Icon for Cumulonimbus rankCumulonimbus

    If the "Authenticate Name" field is empty, then it is always authenticated.

    At the minimum, you can test with the following irule:

        set result "null"
        set result [X509::verify_cert_error_string [SSL::verify_result]]
        log local0. "Server cert validation result: $result"

    to see the end result, to start with.

    • I forgot to mention we are not yet on v13 (when SERVERSSL_SERVERCERT was added I believe). But forgetting the iRule for a moment, in just general LTM configuration, is there anyway to prevent the BIG-IP from connecting to the TLS server if the cert is not valid? I ask as even with drop, it still connects if the cert is expired or a bad CA. I'm wondering if those two options are just for CLIENTSSL and not SERVERSSL.

      • JG's avatar
        Icon for Cumulonimbus rankCumulonimbus

        Will you be able to share a screenshot of the section "Server Authentication" of your server-side SSL profile?