Forum Discussion

blane_176995's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 11, 2014

Configure Load Balancer for inbound SMTP to multiple MTAs

I have a couple of dedicated Hub Transports in our Exchange system that will be sending email to our archive using SMTP. I need to load balance this traffic to multiple servers with MTAs to process the messages. Our support team used the default configuration, most likely as they would for HTTP, but it is not working for SMTP. Ideally I would like to send SMTP to the F5 over TLS, terminate the TLS at the F5, and pass the SMTP to the MTA on port 25. When I try to telnet through the F5 on port 443 or 25 I get something that looks like a telnet session, but nothing displays properly. When I telnet directly to one of the MTAs I get the proper response from the HELO command. Our support team does not know how to configure the F5 for an SMTP pass through. Does anyone have a suggestion or solution?


  • R_Marc's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    You'll need to remove /Common/COMMON-PROFILE-HTTP-D { } from the virtual config.


  • R_Marc's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    SMTP over TLS is handled by the MTA. It's part of the protocol. What you need is just a TCP load balancer. If they attached an HTTP profile to the virtual, that would definitely not work.


    If you can get them to share the configuration info so you can show it here, that would be helpful in diagnosis. Obviously mask anything proprietary.