Forum Discussion

Ryan_80308's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 24, 2009

Configsync.peerupdatedstatus keeps changing

I have a pair of BigIP 1500s in a active/standby HA setup and I'm monitoring my configs with Rancid (



Here's the problem: I keep seeing one or the other flipping it's Configsync.peerupdatedstatus value from 0 to 1 to 0 to 1 to ......



The thing is, they're showing as in-sync and no changes have been made.



Any ideas? I'm on BIG-IP 9.4.4 Build 73.1 Hotfix HF1.





  • I'd open a case on this, though I think in the past I've seen this from clocks that were not synchronized.