Forum Discussion

Warren_129981's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 13, 2014

Client unable to bind to LDAPs through LTM virtual for LDAPS

I have setup my F5 LTM 11.4.0 to have a virtual server that is receiving LDAP requests over 636. I have a profile setup with a cert/key for the client communication and a server profile setup with no cert/key (as I will use the cert being served up by the AD resource). I made 2 virtuals technically as I did one manually and the other through the iApp .. both failed.


The client application attempts to connect and get a "unable to connect". Installed 2 third party tools and get the same type of error messages.


When I setup the F5 LTM to have no cert/key on the client and whistle the transaction through - it works. Even when I use 636 on the server side, it works (appears to rule out the AD cert). However, once I put the client cert/key back in - it fails.


So everything points to either a cert issue or an F5 configuration issue. I'm not sure how to troubleshoot it as the certificate really does look valid. (Correct SAN, Key Usage, SHA1 algorithm, etc.)


Even the tcpdump analysis simply states: SYN/ SYN,ACK/ ACK/ cert exchange/ change cipher spec x3/ ACK/ RST,ACK - Why the hell did it send a reset packet?


Any advice on how to troubleshoot this?