Forum Discussion

Tolga_Ercan_Ser's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 24, 2014

Client & Server Clone Pool



Node attached to pool that runs on vserver default pool is same network with selfip also the clone pool member machine ip. So clone pool member, Node of the default pool and self ip can talk over L2.


When I try to capture traffice on clone pool member machine i can capture everything ingress. But i get nothing for egress. I collect all http requests but can never able to see http responses.


So This happens even i set both client and server clone pools to same.


What should I do?


Node: Vserver runs with snat. F5 is not default gw for the clone pool member or the default pool member.




  • can you post the virtual server configuration?

     tmsh list ltm virtual (name)
  • ltm virtual v120_HTTP_ClonePool {
        clone-pools {
            p120_HTTP_ClonePool {
                context clientside
            p120_HTTP_ClonePool {
                context serverside
        ip-protocol tcp
        pool p120_test
        profiles {
            Chttp_test { }
            tcp-lan-optimized {
                context serverside
            tcp-wan-optimized {
                context clientside
        source-address-translation {
            type automap
        vs-index 73
  • I did all same everything is exactly same and l2 network connectivity vserver node clone pool node and still only ingress traffic. There is something wrong here.


    • nitass's avatar
      Icon for Employee rankEmployee
      is clone pool device in promiscuous mode?
  • Sorry I forget to tell all instances including F5 runs under amazon ec system. When i test with vmware esx, workstation + vm and hardware F5 boxes works perfectly.


    So something wrong when its working with amazon vpc i assume it might be as you say releated with promicious mode.

