Forum Discussion

Chris_Olson's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 05, 2020

CLI command to associate URL redirect policy to VIP on LTM

I have command-line only access to my F5. A URL redirect policy was created. I would like to apply it to a VIP but cannot find the syntax anywhere. I've read multiple articles on creating the policy and even tmsh manuals but nothing shows me how to associate the policy to a virtual except via the GUI. Is this only available via the GUI?

Product   BIG-IP



  • Try below command to add & remove policy via CLI

    Add Policy:

    tmsh modify ltm virtual <virtual_Name> policies add {policy_name}

     Remove Policy

    tmsh modify ltm virtual <virtual_Name> policies delete {policy_name}

2 Replies

  • Try below command to add & remove policy via CLI

    Add Policy:

    tmsh modify ltm virtual <virtual_Name> policies add {policy_name}

     Remove Policy

    tmsh modify ltm virtual <virtual_Name> policies delete {policy_name}
  • So simple, I should have tried it. I am a little embarrassed. Thank you!!!!