Forum Discussion

epaalx's avatar
Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
Feb 20, 2017

Clarification of "request-log" profile

I am hoping someone with experience with "request-log" profile can answer...


Q1. What does "log-response-by-default" attribute (aka. Log By Default) do?


Q2 My understanding is that if logging configured by this profiles fails and if "proxy-respond-on-logging-error" is set to "yes" then BIG-IP system will either:


(a) itself respond to the client with message in "proxy-response", instead of proceeding with establishment of server-side connection; or


(b) will proceed with establishment of server-side connection, forward the request to the server (and perhaps, receive response) but will respond with to the client with message in "proxy-response" anyway.


Is my understanding correct? If so, which (a) or (b)?


Q3. is termination of client-side connection associated with "proxy-close-on-error" dependent on "proxy-respond-on-logging-error" being set to "yes"?


R's, Alex


  • Snl's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus

    Is anyone implement this feature successfully,under what scenario we need this feature


  • I m interested in the answers to the original question also. I couldn't make the error logging feature work either.