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MC_273315's avatar
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Aug 17, 2016

Cisco Call Manager - SSO APM

Would anyone happen to have a sample Assertion being used for Cisco Call Manager? It's stated that F5 APM is supported though documentation is lacking. It also has a requirement for an Import of metadata instead of any manual configuration. So far this is what I've found -


It prefers ADFS - at least there is plenty of documentation.


NameIDFormat: transient Attributes: requires "uid" in the form of SamAccountName


There is a Cisco article that has some needed modifications for F5 BIG-IP:


Step 1 Using an XML editor, open the exported F5 BIG-IP IDP metadata XML file.


Step 2 From the NameIDFormat tag, delete the following attributes:isDefault="true" index="0"




Step 3 From the SingleSignOnService tag, delete Index and IsDefault attributes.


Step 4 From the SingleLogOutService tag, delete the IsDefault attribute.


Step 5 In the IDPSSODescriptor tag, change the order of the tags as follows:



1 KeyDescriptor


2 SingleLogoutService


3 NameIDFormat


4 SingleSignOnService


5 saml:Attribute



Through my testing - I'm still getting a generic 'import failed, please retry' error on IDP import within Cisco Call Manager.


I have a Cisco case open, so I'll update this Question either way when I get an answer.


Thank ya.


  • As promised, here is the solution -


    Cisco Call Manager relies on a successful upload of your IdPs metadata to actually enable SSO.


    1. Verify you have uploaded your signing certificate into CCM.
    2. Verify you have 'must be signed' set on your assertion.
    3. Verify you are sending an attribute named 'uid' with the value of SamAccountName.
    4. Here is a working XML example:


  • As promised, here is the solution -


    Cisco Call Manager relies on a successful upload of your IdPs metadata to actually enable SSO.


    1. Verify you have uploaded your signing certificate into CCM.
    2. Verify you have 'must be signed' set on your assertion.
    3. Verify you are sending an attribute named 'uid' with the value of SamAccountName.
    4. Here is a working XML example: