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Ed_Royce_116493's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 22, 2013

Chunking queries

Do I need to chuck data into multiple queries? or just send one query using an array?


I am trying to write a perl script to pull a list of virtuals and their status/default pool etc..





  • Hi Ed,



    I think that I understand what you are trying to do and the output of each query in some cases will be the input for the next.



    Get a list of Virtual Servers: LocalLB::VirtualServer - get_list


    - Foreach Virtual Server: LocalLB::VirtualServerl - get_default_pool_name


    - Foreach Pool: LocalLB::Pool - get_member (get_member_v2)





    So you will need to build multiple queries (It will get fun when you are dealing with the Pool Mmebers with the CommonIPPortDefinition's).



    Hope this helps.
  • hi. thanks for your replies.


    Sorry, what i mean is, say I have 150 Virtuals on the LTM and I want to use iControl to pull stats on them all. Do I send the query all at once (for 150 Virtuals) or should I break it up into smaller groups and send multiple queries to the LTM?


    I think its fine to send all at once, but I have seen some scripts that do chuck the requests.



    (I am new to iControl)





  • Note that there is a method to pull statistics on all virtual servers:






    and another method to pull statistics for a given set of virtual servers:






    It is fine to pull them all at once in my experience.


  • I have used LocalLB.VirtualServer.get_all_statistics() for *thousands* of Virtual Servers on one LTM without any issues. If you are storing the statistics in something like RRD, then obviously you need to have this call complete in time for whatever your polling period is. Even with thousands of vservers the call will complete (given your network latency isn't insane) in time to make a 5 minute polling period.



    Hope that helps!



  • How you "chunk" your methods is really up to your configuration. For systems that are highly utilitized and you are querying 10000 objects, doing a single bulk query may be too overtaxing. For 150 objects, doing a single query most likely won't cause any issues and would perform better from the client side.