Forum Discussion

Locian_55321's avatar
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Jan 10, 2013

Check for ActiveSync failed logins using iRules

I need to write an iRule to detect failed logins during ActiveSync authentication, I am new to iRules but I think this can be done by checing the response from the exchange server in th HTTP::Response. Has anyone done this before or know how it can be done.




Ahmed Adel


  • Are you able to do a tcpdump to see what a failed login looks like, or alternatively use LiveHTTPHeaders, IEHeaders, HTTPWatch or something similar at the browser to inspect what comes back?



    Once we understand what a failure looks like it should be fairly simple to write the iRule.
  • Packet capture is indeed the right place to start. You might be able to do this really easily just by looking at whether there are two consecutive 401/403s. That'd be more efficient than having to look at the response payload.