Forum Discussion

JAIME_QUIROGA_1's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 23, 2014




I need to change the hostname for "server1" if the connect is a pool member X and "server2" if the pool member is Y. In this case the client set the URL and the session is start with server 1 of URL change for http://server1:14002/another/place/case and the session is star with server 2 of URL change for http://server2:14002/another/place/case


  • You'll want to use either the HTTP_REQUEST_SEND or HTTP_REQUEST_RELEASE events, as these are triggered after the load balancing decision. Here's an example:

        switch [LB::server addr] {
            "" {
                HTTP::header replace Host "server1.internal.local"
            "" {
                HTTP::header replace Host "server2.internal.local"
  • It is very interesting, but I need to add to other point,


    When client set the irule found the word "home" and send the traffic a pool "home" and in this case if the connect is a pool member X, I re-writting the URL with http://server1:14002/home/other/site/same and if the connect is a pool member Y, I re-writting the URL with http://server2:14002/home/other/site/same.


    In this case the load balancing changed the destine port destine, uri and hostname.


  • So if I understand you correctly, you're evaluating the URI to send to a pool, and you do this in the HTTP_REQUEST event. The LB events are triggered next and a pool member is selected. By the time you get to the HTTP_REQUEST_RELEASE event, you've already chosen a pool, selected a pool member, and can now alter the Host header going to that server based on the provided information.

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        if { [HTTP::uri] starts_with "/home" } {
            pool home_pool
        } else {
            pool other-pool
        switch [LB::server addr] {
            "" {
                HTTP::header replace Host "server1:14002"
            "" {
                HTTP::header replace Host "server2:14002"

    If you also need to change the URI path, that can be done in either HTTP event with the HTTP::uri command. The ":14002" in the above is part of the Host header. Actual ports are defined in the individual pools and the VIP's port translation setting.

  • I wrote the next irule:

    when HTTP_REQUEST {

    switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] { 
        "/swscersalud*" {         
            pool Pool_Consorcio_test
            set VARIABLE[string map -nocase {"/swscersalud/wscersalud.asmx" "/Services/Utility/certificacionSalud/WS/Implementation/Service.serviceagent/WSCERSALUDSoapEndpoint"} [HTTP::uri]]
            HTTP::uri $VARIABLE
            log local0. "Ingreso al swscersalud [HTTP::uri]"
        "/wsconadmo*" {
            log local0. "Ingreso al wsconadmo [HTTP::uri]"
            set VARIABLE[string map -nocase {"/Wsconadmo/OyS.asmx" "/Services/Utility/OyS/WS/Implementation/WSCONADMO.serviceagent/OySSoapEndpoint"} [HTTP::uri]]
            HTTP::uri $VARIABLE
            pool Pool_Consorcio_test_V2



    switch [LB::server addr] {
        "" {
            HTTP::header replace Host "vmpesbserver:14002"
        "" {
            HTTP::header replace Host "vmpesbserver2:14002"


    Is this right? In the LTM the event HTTP_REQUEST_RELEASE is no found the version is 10.2.4

  • Ahh, yes the HTTP_REQUEST_RELEASE event was not available in v10. For the HTTP_REQUEST_SEND event, you'll need to explcitly call out the clientside context:

        switch [LB::server addr] {
            "" {
                clientside {
                    HTTP::header replace Host "vmpesbserver:14002"
            "" {
                clientside {
                    HTTP::header replace Host "vmpesbserver2:14002"
  • Hi Kevin Stewart

    I test the irule and the answer is good on client1 but client2 is bad, I changed the irule by see the events when client wrote the url, because I added instructions for generation the logs

    when HTTP_REQUEST {

    switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] { 
        "/swscersalud*" {         
                        pool Pool_Consorcio_test
            log local0. " original [HTTP::uri]"
            HTTP::uri "/Services/Utility/certificacionSalud/WS/Implementation/Service.serviceagent/WSCERSALUDSoapEndpoint"
            log local0. "modificado [HTTP::uri]"
        "/wsconadmo*" {
            log local0. "Ingreso al wsconadmo [HTTP::uri]"
            HTTP::uri "/Services/Utility/OyS/WS/Implementation/WSCONADMO.serviceagent/OySSoapEndpoint"
            pool Pool_Consorcio_test_V2


    I saw the logs

    Jul 25 09:48:27 local/tmm info tmm[4913]: Rule irule_consorcio_v5 : Ingreso al swscersalud sin modificar /swscersalud/wscersalud.asmx Jul 25 09:48:27 local/tmm info tmm[4913]: Rule irule_consorcio_v5 : Ingreso al swscersalud con modificacion /swscersalud/wscersalud.asmx Jul 25 09:48:29 local/tmm info tmm[4913]: Rule irule_consorcio_v5 : Ingreso al swscersalud sin modificar /swscersalud/wscersalud.asmx Jul 25 09:48:29 local/tmm info tmm[4913]: Rule irule_consorcio_v5 : Ingreso al swscersalud con modificacion /swscersalud/wscersalud.asmx Jul 25 09:48:30 local/tmm info tmm[4913]: Rule irule_consorcio_v5 : Ingreso al swscersalud sin modificar /swscersalud/wscersalud.asmx Jul 25 09:48:30 local/tmm info tmm[4913]: Rule irule_consorcio_v5 : Ingreso al swscersalud con modificacion /swscersalud/wscersalud.asmx Jul 25 09:48:30 local/tmm info tmm[4913]: Rule irule_consorcio_v5 : Ingreso al swscersalud sin modificar /swscersalud/wscersalud.asmx Jul 25 09:48:30 local/tmm info tmm[4913]: Rule irule_consorcio_v5 : Ingreso al swscersalud con modificacion /swscersalud/wscersalud.asmx Jul 25 09:48:31 local/tmm info tmm[4913]: Rule irule_consorcio_v5 : Ingreso al swscersalud sin modificar /swscersalud/wscersalud.asmx Jul 25 09:48:31 local/tmm info tmm[4913]: Rule irule_consorcio_v5 : Ingreso al swscersalud con modificacion /swscersalud/wscersalud.asmx

    in this log the uri does not change and I don't understand why the URL not change on server2's test, and in the cliente2 gotten the error 404.

  • There's probably a few things going on here:


    1. In versions of v10 (not sure when it changed) the HTTP::uri command does not update the filter cache to show the new value. So if you set a new value with HTTP::uri, and then go and read it with HTTP::uri, you'll get the original value. The URI is still changing for the traffic itself though. You can get around this in your logging by setting and using a variable instead.


    2. I would add a log statement at the beginning of your HTTP_REQUEST event to show the actual URI request. You may not be catching it because it's not what you think it is.