Forum Discussion

Alscion_68122's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 11, 2011

Can't use variable for vlan selection during route domain creation?

Hello World,



I have to create several route demain and associate 2 vlans per route domain with tmsh script.




- I try it making a for loop for my total number of route domain to create.


- I select the right partition (successfully created previously)


- I create my route-domain and want to select a vlan previously created. My vlans are incremented and their name contain a number. I want to be able to use this incrementation to select my vlans for route-domain creation. BUT, it seems to be impossible to use variable in vlan name, I have the following message error :




pipo.tcl: script failed to complete:


can't eval proc: "script::run"


"vsys$x-vlan" unexpected argument


while executing


"tmsh::create net route-domain $numrd vlans add { vsys$x-vlan }"


(procedure "script::run" line 42)


invoked from within


"script::run" line:1


script did not successfully complete, status:1







- Here is an extract of my script :




set usercount 10


set numrd 12


for {set x 1} {$x<=$usercount} {incr x} {


tmsh::modify cli admin-partitions query-partitions all update-partition fce-vsys$x


tmsh::create net route-domain $numrd vlans add { vsys$x-vlan }


incr numrd






tmsh::modify cli admin-partitions query-partitions all update-partition Common





- I tried without {}, no success. Somebody have an Idea?










  • Hi NQ,



    Can you try replacing escaping the hyphen in x-vlan like this:






  • Mark_Crosland_2's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    Another issue is that {}'s are special characters in both tmsh and Tcl, so they must be escaped in Tcl so that Tcl doesn't swallow them.



    tmsh::stateless enabled


    set ip-value ""


    tmsh::create ltm pool foo members add "{ ${ip-value} }"




    tmsh::create ltm pool foo members add \{ ${ip-value} \}




  • Hi Mark & hoolio,



    Thanks for your help, here is the solution i use : vlans add "{ vsys${x}-vlan }"



    I put all the expression between double quote and i use bracket for the variable, example for several vlan to add :



    vlans add "{ vsys${x}-vlan vsys${y}-vlan }"



    Have fun.