Forum Discussion

htkiet_42906's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 27, 2012

Can't access the sharepoint portal

hi All,


I followed the steps to configure WA as below:


1. Creating an application profile for an asymmetric WebAccelerator system. In the policy, selected the sharepoint 2010 (we are using sharepoint portal 2010)


2. Enabling the WebAccelerator system with the Web Acceleration profile


3. Import the certificate and keys of the Servers


4. Create SSL profile for both Server and Client Site


5.Configure Node, Pool


6. Configure Virtual Server with the SSL Profile and WA Profile just created above


From the browser, I put the ip of VS but can't access to the portal


I tried to do another way by:



1. Import the certificate and keys of the Servers


2. Create SSL profile for both Server and Client Site


3.Configure Node, Pool


4. Configure Virtual Server with the SSL Profile just created above and at the WA profile I choose the default WebAcceleration


From the browser, I put the ip of VS and I can access the portal normally but from the logs I saw there were a lot of misses in caches so I think the WA funtion doesn't work completely well.


Please let know why it doesn't work at all if I create the WA profile by myself.








  • What is the error message you are receiving? Have you removed the WA profile to see if the application can be accessed with the base LTM configuration?


  • Hi Dawn,



    Thanks for your message! I lacked of capturing the error message at that time.


    As I mentioned, the second way I did is that I removed the WA profile I created by myself and selected the default profile "webaccelabration" then the application can be accessed but I think the WA function doesn't work well because that is the default, not the templete for SharePoint.


    Temporarily it is running but ofcourse the customer purchased the WA function and they want it must work better.


    Can you please advise?





  • The default Web Acceleration profile does not have any applications enabled by default so you are actually not routing traffic through WebAccelerator. Without knowing the exact error message it is very difficult to determine what is the problem with the profile.



    My best guess is that the application defined in WebAccelerator is incorrect or missing. In the Web Accelerator application did you include the IP address and the domain name of the application? If a request is routed to WebAccelerator and the domain in the host header does not match any of the domains defined then the request will be rejected.
  • Hi Dawn,


    Thank you very much! I dont know why I didn't be noticed about this message from you. BTW Your are right. I tried to add the IP and domain name of application and it worked.


    Best regards,

