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TJ_Vreugdenhil's avatar
Jul 10, 2017

Cannot add F5 net route


I am scratching my head because I can't see why this static route is not being added to the config. The "x" is replaced with a usable 1-254 IP.

Existing config: 
net self INT-350_NET1_PRIMARY_IP {
    address x.159.222.101/24
    allow-service {
    traffic-group traffic-group-local-only
    vlan INT-350

net self INT-350_NET1_FLOATING_IP {
    address x.159.222.103/24
    allow-service {
    floating enabled
    traffic-group traffic-group-1
    unit 1
    vlan INT-350

net vlan INT-350 {
    if-index 448
    interfaces {
        n7k-Po16 {
            tag-mode service
    tag 350

root@(sfltm1)(cfg-sync Standalone)(Active)(/Common)(tmos) load sys config merge from-terminal
Enter configuration. Press CTRL-D to submit or CTRL-C to cancel.
net route INT-350_NET1_ROUTE {
    gw x.159.222.254
    network x.159.222.0/24
Loading configuration...
01070666:3: Static route duplicates Self IP x.159.222.0 / implied route
Unexpected Error: Loading configuration process failed.
  • If you want to add a route using command line try the command below


    tmsh create net route x.159.222.0/24 gw x.159.222.254


  • Thanks for the comment. Yes, I tried it via the GUI, CLI, & tmsh all with the same message.


    I believe because the self IP is on the subnet it is suggesting not to force to add a route since the upstream Gateway will be will automatically be sending ARP replies for the subnet.


    You could probably set the self IP's to a /32 mask and then set the route, but not sure that is appropriate either.


    I think I'm good, I apparently didn't get to my coffee before I posted this question ;)


  • Before adding that route, try to change the self-ip subnet mask. I suggest you to change it from /24 to /28. Then you can add the route you want.


    • Boggs_5738's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      the self ip is in the same subnet of the destination ip [implied route] in the route command so the route is not needed.


    • VIJO_JOEY_32403's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Thanks for the response BOGGS.


      But my question is regarding Kernel IP routing table (Linux kernel routing table). When we give route -n , can see a set of routes like below;


      Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface 10.xx.xy.1 UG 0 0 0 back 10.xx.xy.1 UG 9 0 0 mgmt 10.xx.xy.1 UG 0 0 0 back 10.xx.xy.1 UGH 9 0 0 mgmt


      I think this routes has to be added (or can be added) from bash mode with some "ip route add" command(i m not sure about that complete command and also not sure about adding the GENMASK).this is the command I was looking for .


      I think Ill be getting the same result if I add route from tmsh with the below command; as both are intended for management routes (for taking administrative traffic) tmsh create /sys management-route network / gateway


    • Boggs_5738's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      In general/recommended, you would use the tmsh commands on bigip to add the routes. and yes, tmsh sys management-route is another way of adding route entry specific to send traffic to a specific network via the mgmt interface.. the 'ip route' command will show all routes in the bigip, regardless if they are tmm or mgmt route..


      here some reference that might be useful for this topic: K13284: Overview of management interface routing (11.x - 13.x)