Forum Discussion

jbudi's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 03, 2019

cannot access ihealth report


I want to ask regarding report in f5 ihealth site. Last month i can access my report in ihealth site. Right now i cannot access it.

It say


Request Cannot Be Completed

The requested URL was rejected. Incident ID: 6183918755495845809


i have tried to clear cookie, clear cache and reupload the qkview.


Is there any solution or workaround so i can access my report?

  • Hi jbudi,


    Navigate to then click the 'feedback' link in the upper right then describe the issue you're experiencing along with the Incident ID. The feedback form goes to the iHealth team.


    Have you tried a different browser?




  • jbudi's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    Thank for the reply.

    i have tried different browser and have same result. i have tried the feedback to but the send button seem's doesn't work.