Forum Discussion

Neil_Marks_2466's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 17, 2017

Can I query a table row count in the Presentation section of an iApp?

Is there a way to query the size of a table element in the APL language of an iAPP? The reason for asking is that I don't want to present an empty row if there hasn't been anything entered in that table row previously...


section servers_pool1 {
string poolname display "xxlarge" default "pool1"
    string pooldesc display "xxlarge"
**optional ( count(poolmembers)>0)** {
  table poolmembers {
    string description display "large" 
    editchoice addr display "large" tcl {
                package require iapp 1.1.0
                return [iapp::get_items ltm node] }
    optional ( serverside_encryption.encryption == "Plaintext" ) {
        string port display "small" validator "PortNumber"
            default "80"
    optional ( serverside_encryption.encryption == "Encrypted" ) {
        string port_secure display "small" validator "PortNumber"
            default "443"


The statement marked ** is something I am looking for... ???


  • Hi Neil,

    A way to perform is using a optional "HIDE = THIS". This way, the test fields will never appers on screen and you will get the expected results to present. In this case, I simply check the node count. You must change it to your query conditions needed.


    section servers_pool1 {
        optional ( "HIDE" == "THIS" ) {
            choice has_nodes tcl { expr { [iapp::get_items ltm node] ne "" ? "yes" : "no" }}
        string poolname display "xxlarge" default "pool1"
        string pooldesc display "xxlarge"
        optional ( has_nodes == "yes" ) {
            table poolmembers {
                string description display "large" 
                editchoice addr display "large" tcl {
                    package require iapp 1.1.0
                    return [iapp::get_items ltm node] 
                optional ( serverside_encryption.encryption == "Plaintext" ) {
                    string port display "small" validator "PortNumber" default "80"
                optional ( serverside_encryption.encryption == "Encrypted" ) {
                    string port_secure display "small" validator "PortNumber" default "443"



  • cjunior's answer works well if the condition is not user-editable, e.g "Have any nodes been created already?".

    I wanted to make the empty table look nicer as well but, in the end, I had to redesign slightly, because I couldn't find any way to interact with the table from within Presentation.

    Instead, I just made the overall question user-editable, i.e. "Do you want to add pool members?"

    Perhaps consider:

    choice pool_add_members default "no" { "yes", "no" }    
    optional (pool_add_members == "yes") {
        table pool_members {

    The end-result is that the user makes a decision upfront about whether there are any pool members and, if there are, the table is shown. It's one extra step for the user, but it looks a bit nicer when there are deliberately no entries.

    Your Implementation code can test the $1 entry as well, and not enter the table loop if it is "no", which might be a bonus.