Forum Discussion

uni's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Jun 25, 2018

Can I merge parent ASM policy without losing learning suggestions

I thought I'd implement a parent ASM policy on a new v13 installation. Now when I review traffic learning in the child policy the suggestions are locked and need to be accepted in the parent policy, but you can only see the details in the child policy. Given the inconvenience of this, I would like to remove the parent policy, and make the child policy stand-alone.


Can someone suggest a safe way to do this? If I do this, am I going to lose all the learning so far?


  • uni's avatar
    Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus

    Sure uni, answer your own question.

    Just changing the parent policy to

    in the child policy's inheritance screen worked fine. No information seems to have been lost.