Forum Discussion

Afroz_Ahmad_114's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 26, 2014

Block Website URI for certain users

Hello Experts,


We want to block a particular website URI for external users and allow for internal users. It is https based website and SSL offload is happening on F5 LTM , help is much appreciated.


Below are the details:- Block for internet users and ensure that it is accessible to internal users. (Internal, should not be visible for public internet) (external, to be visible for public internet)


  • Hi!

    I'd probably create a data group list with the internal networks of the office (or external IP's of the offices) and match against that:

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        set uri [string tolower [HTTP::uri]
        if { $uri starts_with "/rrr_i" and ![class match [IP::client_addr] equals officenetworks] } {
            HTTP::respond 301 Location ""
            You can also chose to drop the packet with the drop command too


  • yes, it should be applied to a VS. but which one? this is the question. as long as he is using a ssl-offload so he had two VS. for each


    • Afroz_Ahmad_114's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      I have one virtual server with 443 port with one node:443 and SSL offload is happening on the same virtual server at both side (client and server).
  • yes in this case, you have to have only one VS., which will terminate encryption for both sides (server/client) .