Forum Discussion

Eliran_A's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 17, 2020

Block sites but allow access to specific IP'S

Hi All


I am trying to setup IRule to block website to all ip's except my offices IP

I created the IRule but for some reason it's blocking also the office IP'S

anyone have Idea why it's happen?

the test_allow_IP is a data group i created with all the offices IP.



set low_host [string tolower [HTTP::host]]

if {(( $low_host starts_with "" ) || ( $low_host starts_with "" ) ) && ( not [class match [IP::client_addr] equals test_allow_IP] )} {

HTTP::respond 404 content "Blocked by irule" log local0. "$low_host traffic has come from blocked subnet"



  • Hi


    Your code looks ok. What does your data group look like?

    If you change your log line slightly so that it includes the client ip, can you see it getting caught in your data group subnets?


    log local0. "$low_host traffic has come from blocked subnet - [IP::client_addr]"

  • i think you need one more condition

    when HTTP_REQUEST { 

    set low_host [string tolower [HTTP::host]]

    if {(( $low_host starts_with "" ) || ( $low_host starts_with "" ) ) && ( not [class match [IP::client_addr] equals test_allow_IP] )} {

    HTTP::respond 404 content "Blocked by irule" log local0. "$low_host traffic has come from blocked subnet"


    else {


