Forum Discussion

Jeremy_Hobbs_18's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 04, 2016

BigIQ managing LTMs REST API

I have a BIGIQ managing a bunch of LTMs. From the UI I can see the devices and selfips, vlans, routes, certificates.


My question is, I want to query the VIPs, Pools, nodes, certs for all managed LTMs via a REST API. I know how to query this information directly from the ltms via rest (example being vips = but was hoping there was a way to pull all this directly from the BIGIQ. I looked through the user guides and havent found the url for it. Can anyone provide me with an example url that would be used to query a ltm from the BIGIQ?




  • restcurl -u admin:admin -X GET /mgmt/shared/resolver/device-groups/cm-autodeploy-group-manager-autodeployment/devices/


  • that returned virtual.json file with the following:




    None of the information from the ltms was returned.


  • This is what I get when I run it directly from the IQ


    [root@iq01:Active] config restcurl -u admin:admin -X GET /mgmt/cm/shared/config/working/ltm/virtual/




    "items": [],


    "generation": 0,


    "kind": "cm:shared:config:working:ltm:virtual:virtualservercollectionstate",


    "lastUpdateMicros": 0,


    "selfLink": ""




  • Is there something with the setup of the IQ that may be missing that could cause it, not to be retaining the information?


  • Your correct, I thought we had checked that box when setting the devices up. The ADC checkbox was not checked for any of the devices. I currently have around 50 devices configured. As I started going to through the list it started populating the IE window with VIPs nodes, irules. These were previously not populated.


    Now when I run the restcurl, I get the list of VIPs.


    I have a couple new issues that have arrived. I opened a couple new threads for those here.



    I've marked your original suggestion comment as the accepted answer.


    Thanks for your help. Jeremy


  • Another quest associated to this:


    Is there a document that I can reference that explains the API paths of mgmt/cm/shared/config/working/


    Ive looked through:










    Im now trying to get the inventory or list of managed ltms from the BIGIQ and not able to determine the link I would use for that?


    Thanks Jeremy


    • Khang_307109's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      I have the same question. Does anyone know where I can find the BIG-IQ Rest API specification to query the VIPs, Pools, nodes, certs for all managed LTMs?


  • restcurl -u admin:admin -X GET /mgmt/shared/resolver/device-groups/cm-autodeploy-group-manager-autodeployment/devices/


    • Jeremy_Hobbs_18's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      for others - This link for me was, devices managed on bigIQ - https://localhost/mgmt/cm/shared/config/current/cm/device
  • Kyle_Oliver_519's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    restcurl -u admin:admin -X GET /mgmt/shared/resolver/device-groups/cm-autodeploy-group-manager-autodeployment/devices/


    • Jeremy_Hobbs_18's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      for others - This link for me was, devices managed on bigIQ - https://localhost/mgmt/cm/shared/config/current/cm/device