Forum Discussion

francisco_1_162's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 12, 2008

BIGIP (LTM/GTM) Automated Backup

Just a quick question guys, is it possible to automate the backup configuration for the BIGIP. I have read a doc on askf5 to manaually backup and restore config's but i dont have time to do that. Please advise.
  • !/bin/bash
    host=`echo $HOSTNAME | awk -F. '{ print $1 }'`
    date=`date +%Y%m%d`
    /usr/bin/tmsh save /sys ucs backup_${host}_${date}.ucs
    /usr/bin/find /var/local/ucs -name backup_${host}_\*.ucs -mtime +30 -exec rm {} \;

    Save the above to a new file called /config/mybackup and add the following line to /config/startup.

    [ ! -L /etc/cron.daily/mybackup ] && ln -s /config/mybackup /etc/cron.daily/mybackup

    Now run the following commands to complete the configuration.

    chmod +x /config/mybackup
    ln -s /config/mybackup /etc/cron.daily/mybackup
    • Kevin_Davies_40's avatar
      Icon for Nacreous rankNacreous
      The mybackup script should carry over to an upgraded config and be stored in a UCS archive. If for any reason the symbolic link goes away the command in /config/startup will recreate it. The find will remove any backups older than thirty days. Just check the backup size as 30 of them may take up too much space.
    • Viv_Richards's avatar
      Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus

      Dear Kevin,


      I am trying to configure automated backup by following above script. Could you please confirm where backup will be stored in this case ? /etc/cron.daily/mybackup is not directory




    • Samir_Jha_52506's avatar
      Icon for Noctilucent rankNoctilucent

      Find the below details

           mybackup --> Script file Name & it store inside /config/ Directory
          /var/local/ucs  --> backup file will be store
  • Hello,


    Hello, when I generate an automatic backup it shows me this error when I execute the script:


    Error, invalid characters in UCS file name. The dash, period, forward-slash, plus sign, and underscore are the only special characters allowed.


    What is the problem?




  • here's a python script i wrote that will create a text backup or download a ucs. i use the text backup to submit to git in order to track changes, and the ucs backup run via cron once a day for a ucs backup. run the script and it will print usage for you.

    you'll need f5's bigsuds module v1.0.4 or newer.. it can be installed using

    sudo pip install bigsuds
    or downloads here:

    hope this helps!

  • There is an extra feature you can add to your daily backup, it's committing your bigip.conf to a GIT or a SVN so you can keep track of the changes that have been done, with your favorite repo browser (sourceTree for instance :)