Forum Discussion

Nextgen's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Jun 16, 2022

BigIP gslb big3d issue

iquery connection is established as seen from tmsh show gtm iquery , iqdump show xml as well . But the virtual server   show "No big3d replay" for VS bigip health monitor in gslb->server->virtualser...
  • AlexBCT's avatar
    Jun 16, 2022

    Hi Suru,

    Just a quick check; when you built the server objects, did you create the BigIP DNS/GTM's as servers as well? This is needed so that the system knows where the GTM's are in relation to the LTM's (so both the LTM's and GTM's should be in the list).

    If not, create the GTM's in the GLSB - Servers section (same method as you did for the LTM's, but configure them as standalone, rather than cluster) and check the status again. 

    Hope this helps.