Forum Discussion

Dave_W__178431's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 13, 2015

bigip_add and gtm_add scripts with sync groups

Two questions:


1.) If a new GTM is being introduced into a sync group with 3 existing GTMs, is there a requirement to run the "gtm_add " three times (one for each existing GTM) or is it enough to just target one of the three existing members in the "gtm_add " command. I would think that just targeting one of the existing GTMs would be enough to synch the config from the group, but I'm not sure about the certificate exchange. That makes me question if I need to execute the command three times, pointing to each individual GTM member.


2.) Same scenario with adding a new LTM to the GTM synch group. Would I have to run "bigip_add " one time for each of the existing three GTM members upon adding the LTM, or just select one of the three members to point the "bigip_add " command at?




  • M_2's avatar
    Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus

    Hi Dave,


    I had a same situation were i need to run add commands on all the devices though they are in same sync group.


    It was on v10 not sure of 11 though.




  • I have the same question (question no. 1):


    We have multiple existing GTMs. When adding one new GTM (new data center), I believe (logically) the gtm_add needs only to be done against one of the existing GTMs in order to pull the config?


    The link provided above doesn't seem to give the answer.


    Note: Assuming I already have SSL certificate chain trust between the GTMs (CA-signed certificates).


  • The process is as follows...


    1. You need add a BIGIP server into the GTM configuration for the new GTM.
    2. Synchronise the configuration of the new GTM by running gtm_add on the new GTM. This can point to any one of the existing GTM's in the Sync Group. You only need to do this once.
    • a_basharat's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      What about when adding a new LTM, do we need to run bigip_add on all the GTMs?