Forum Discussion

Medve_Istvan_17's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 04, 2018

BIGIP 2000S power supply replacement

Hi All,


can someone confirm if PWR-0187-05 works in 2000S ? My faulty power supply part number is PWR-0187-03 Should know if PWR-0187-05 will be ok before buy.


Regards, imedve


  • Hi,


    We are also having the same issue. Our faulty power supply part number is PWR-0187-04 and our spare is PWR-0187-05. It looks exactly the same as the faulty one. Can anyone confirm if we can use the spare one? We already tried contacting F5 support but no response.




  • NAG_65570's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    For safety reasons, You should not use PSUs mix and match between units.


    You should only use PSU shipped for that specific Unit. If PSU is down, open a ticket with F5 Support and request a replacement.