Forum Discussion

Check1t_282465's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 17, 2018

Big IQ Unable to save changes to Backup Schedule

Version 5.3. Previously setup Device Backup Schedule. Attempting to add Backup Archive information. However, when attempt to save or save and close, buttons are greyed out. Do I need to Suspend Schedule first to edit? Or any other suggestions? Thank you.


  • If you are password protecting your backup files with a "passphrase" you will need to re-input the passhrase when editing a backup schedule. Once you put in a passphrase, you should be able to save the schedule again.


  • Mostly it means that a required information is missing , can you share a snapshot of the configuration page.


  • If you are password protecting your backup files with a "passphrase" you will need to re-input the passhrase when editing a backup schedule. Once you put in a passphrase, you should be able to save the schedule again.


    • Check1t_282465's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      The password entry did it. Not exactly intuitive, but thanks to both responses!