Forum Discussion

Groves_263641's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Jun 17, 2016

BIG-IQ 5.0 VE LTM Configuration Discovery Error - VLAN Groups are not supported

Description: I just loaded up BIG-IQ 5.0 VE a couple of days ago and am stuck at the following error. This is halts the entire config import process so nothing populates in ADC.   Error: -Local T...
  • Groves_263641's avatar
    Jan 18, 2017

    The following fix allows the configuration discovery and import to continue by ignoring the VLAN groups. Unfortunately this does not populate them into ADC but you will find they are safely located in UCS backups. Per the answer above from Arnaud Lemaire (F5) VLAN groups are no longer supported by Big-IQ. As far as I have been told support for the feature is being phased out all-together although still present in today's Big-IP code.




    -Modify file "/var/config/rest/config/" with the following:


    "adc" : { "discovery" : { "allowVlanGroup" : true } }


    -bigstart restart restjavad


    -Remove, re-discover and import Big-IP LTM devices