Forum Discussion

Jordan_M's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 29, 2020

BIG-IP i5820-DF reboot takes 15~ minutes

I have F5 VEs as well as physical F5s. My physicals are the i5820s. Whenever they are booting, it takes roughly 15-20 minutes to come up. With my VEs it takes maybe 5 minutes. After discussing with other F5 users as well as listening to an instructor, it seems that the boot length for my physicals is oddly long. Has anyone seen this?

  • That should not happen.... Have a support case opened and investigate.

    If possible, get inside the GRUB menu and do an EUD.


    Possible of RMA could happen.

  • My only hesitation with it being hardware and possibly an RMA is that this is the same across all of our physical F5's. We currently have 6 5820s and it's the same across them all.

  • Dojs's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus

    The appliance -DF contain FIPS, this feature could take more time to crypt all the informations inside. After 15-20 min it starts and works well or with error? How many VS do you have inside? How use FIPS, HSM features?

    • Jordan_M's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      We are in FIPS mode. That could very well be what it is but I believe they were that way prior to STIG implementation. It does start well with zero errors while running that I'm aware of. Very few virtual servers. Overall load is small.

  • It normal behavior of this appliance ​i5820-DF. Open the support case if you have anything else issue.