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Nestor_Ramirez_'s avatar
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Oct 07, 2013

BIG-IP active-standby configurations failed

We are working on a new proyect about F5 Big IP Link Controler. For this implementation We did the steps-by-step installation describes in the follow document:


Well everything it was fine until the Discovery Peer process; The problem was that the second device not discovered the first device and finally the two devices haven't a trust relationship and the Big IP appliances do not works as an active-standby pair.


The messages error is: [CheckHandlers.cpp:83 checkDevic] System time on off by -1800 seconds Hello,


We configure an NTP server on both device. Also we used Setup utility to configure the new devices as an active-standby pair on several times. For this step we follow this article –>


Besides, We check out the Time zone and Clock on both appliances and everything looks fine.


By the way We are on time zone America/Caracas (UTC -4:30).


Thanks in advance


  • So, does the time match exactly on the two devices? Is the NTP actually working?


    If the answer to both is yes, I'd suggest you reboot whichever device is reported to have the time difference.


  • Yes, the time match exactly on both devices. I am going to reboot one appliance, after that if still not working I am going to change the Time Zone on both appliances, then I will let you know the results.


  • Well, I changed the time zone on both appliances and everything works fine. There is a bug on Big-IP 11.4.1 and the time zone America/Caracas (GMT -4:30). Websupport says they have seen this behavior in a few other cases and they will check to see if there is a hotfix for this.


    Thanks for your help,


  • I have encountered similar issue, where I was getting error : CheckHandlers.cpp:97 checkDevic] System time off by seconds . After going through some of the solution articles, re-configuring the NTP timezone, adding and deleting the NTP servers list. But those all did not give me favorable results.


    But after configuring the HW clock and SW clock using the below solution, The issue got fixed.


    I was working on migration activity from 3400s models to VCMP guest on Vipiron.