Forum Discussion

BaltoStar_12467's avatar
Feb 25, 2015

BIG-IP : standby auto-sync to active

BIG-IP 11.4.1 Build 635.0 Hotfix HF2


For a sync-failover device-group in active-standby configuration with auto-sync enabled.


What is behavior following making a config-change to standby device ( specifically, update data-group contents ) ? Will the changes be immediately sync'd to the active ?


Does auto-sync ensure delta-zero between active/standby ? i.e. is it possible for active to have changes not yet sync'd to standby at time change is made to standby ?


  • When auto-sync is enabled the change is replicated to the remote device's running config which doesn't save to the remote config until a save sys config or something similar to run by default. With that said it is incremental by default as well so only the change is replicated so I imagine unless you are making conflicting changes at exactly the same time there would be no issue. It would be interesting to see how BigIP handles conflict. I would imagine that if full config sync was enabled or you managed to make conflicting changes at the exact same time, the devices would report changes pending on both and require a overwrite sync from one device. I may actually try to test this for a more definite answer.


  • Don't think that's possible. Once changes are made on either box they will be synced to its peer. Are you seeing this differently?


    • no just wondering how it works -- hypothetically what if changes made simultaneously to active and standby ?
  • NikhilB_149913's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    Don't think that's possible. Once changes are made on either box they will be synced to its peer. Are you seeing this differently?


    • BaltoStar_12467's avatar
      no just wondering how it works -- hypothetically what if changes made simultaneously to active and standby ?