Forum Discussion

srastogi_212141's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 24, 2017

BIG-IP : iControl : Management::Device::get_configsync_address

How to call Management.Device.get_configsync_address using icontrol APIs in java? I need to remove the get_peer_address() method since it is deprecated in 13.0 version (592700 : iControl SOAP method System.Failover.get_peer_address might return incorrect value).


  • Hi Joe

    we are upgraded latest BIGIP and then the below iControl method is not working get_peer_address()


    could you please share us some example api documentation useful links


    i didn't get any Management under Device class


  • If you are after 'tmsh list cm device <deviceName> configsync-ip' equivalent, you can call a GET request to the following iControl REST endpoint.


    For example, using curl,

    curl -sku admin:<pass> https://<host>/mgmt/tm/cm/device/

    The Java library for F5 iControl was last committed Nov 2017. You may need to consider shifting to some other remote controlling mechanisms (such a F5 Python SDK).

  • After my leaving F5 in 2017, I don’t believe the iControl Java, .Net, and PowerShell libraries have had any developers working to support them.