Forum Discussion

John_Woods_4557's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 11, 2007

poorly performing URI rule


80% of our traffic needs to use the WebPool2, but I am having difficulties getting this rule to perform well. Users are timing out completely trying to get to WebPool2. Can anyone help me optimize this quickly?




if (tolower(substr(http_uri, 0, 4)) == "/ab/") {


use pool WebPool1




else if (tolower(substr(http_uri, 0, 7)) == "/cdefg/") {


use pool WebPool1




else {


use pool WebPool2






Thanks in advance!

1 Reply

  • Since you are just looking for the first characters in the string, have you tried the "starts_with" operator? substr actually allocates another string which has some overhead.

    if (tolower(http_uri) starts_with "/ab/") {
      use pool WebPool1
    } else if (tolower(http_uri) starts_with "/cdefg/") {
      use pool WebPool1
    } else {
      use pool WebPool2

    Or, you could combine the first two checks into the first if

    if ( (tolower(http_uri) starts_with "/ab") or 
         (tolower(http_uri) starts_with "/cdefg/") ) {
      use pool WebPool1
    } else {
      use pool WebPool2

    Those should both perform roughly the same though.

    I'm not sure you could optimize this rule more that this.
