Forum Discussion

Alexander_Jones's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 24, 2006

auto init tunnel based on connectivity?

Is there any support in the win32client to actually force the tunnel if some criteria is true (in my case, machine is not present on internal network) to enforce policy that machine is only allowed to connect to internal network and never be present on the internet?



I would like some way to monitor connectivity to outer interface of the firepass and if this condition becomes true i want to kickstart a tunnel.



Has anyone here done anything like this before?



Hope im in the right forum asking,




11 Replies

  • Sorry Alex, our launch condition doesn't have anything to do with the network state. I was talking more about launching the tunnel in/from a system service when whatever the launch conditions are - are met. I guess I thought that was the larger part of your original question.