Forum Discussion

Chris1269_13050's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 04, 2013

Assign HTTP monitor to a Node and not Pool



I have been looking to see if it's possible to assign a HTTP monitor to an individual Node. From what i gather, only basic monitors can be applied (like those without a defined receive string). Is there anyway around this? Scenario: 3 servers in a pool and we want to be able to do a get request to those specific servers and individually take them offline based on the response. Thanks,


  • Alias Port permit you to define a static port to check.


    By default the destination port is inherited from your pool member configuration, but as a node hasn't got any port you have to set it "manually".


  • Hi,


    Yes you can assign HTTP monitor to a node but you have to specify the "Alias Port" on your monitor.


    You'll find it in Advanced configuration part.


  • Hi,


    Yes you can assign HTTP monitor to a node but you have to specify the "Alias Port" on your monitor.


    You'll find it in Advanced configuration part.