Forum Discussion

Shyam_Shukla's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 17, 2019

Apply per-session policy only for given set of URLs

Hello All,   Our per-session policy is configured to have SAML authentication. By default, all the incoming requests to Virtual Server require SAML authentication but our requirement is to apply ...
  • Enes_Afsin_Al's avatar
    Aug 19, 2019


    Can you try this iRule without RULE_INIT?

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
    	if { class match [HTTP::path] equals secure_urls_list } {
    		log local0.debug "Found [HTTP::path] in dg_secure_urls_list"
    	} else {
    		# log local0.debug "Not found [HTTP::path] in dg_secure_urls_list"