Forum Discussion

raZorTT's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
Apr 15, 2016

"Application Launch" doesn't execute (SSL VPN)



I am using the F5 to setup up an SSL VPN into our network. Am using APM to do authentication and posture checking. Once everything has passed there is a Resource assign and and then a Variable assign to setup an application launch.


When connecting using the BipIP edge client (on Windows) I can see the posture checks occurring and the I am authenticated and connected to the network. However the application doesn't launch. The F5 application Helper UAC prompt occurs, to which I click YES.


I went and had a look through the client logs and found the following entries


2016-04-15, 6:09:23:886, 2624,1752,Standalone, 48, \NetworkAvailabilityMonitor.cpp, 282, WaitForConnectionToSettle::WaitForConnectionToSettle, Network event occured while waiting for connection to settle


I assume the network event that occurred was the application launch, because when looking through the logs of a different connection that does work I can see the following


2016-04-15, 4:07:10:335, 3296,2552,HOST, 48,,,, CHostCtrl::ExecuteApplication:launch cmd="mstsc.exe"


which is no where to be found in the logs when it doesn't work.


Does anyone know what causes the connection settle issue and how I might be able to resolve it?


Cheers, Simon


  • I have a case that is open with F5. I have some kind of the same issues going on. I get NetworkAvailabilityMonitor.cpp, 236, WaitForConnectionToSettle::WaitForConnectionToSettle, Network event occured while waiting for connection to settle


    I will post back when they finally get somewhere with it.


    My users get booted at random times during there sessions.


    • Bod's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Hi, I know this is 3 years old but I'm wondering if you remember what was done to sort your "waiting for connection to settle" issue? We have someone experiencing this error in the logs and found this post whilst searching for a solution.

