Forum Discussion

slomah_85788's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 10, 2009

Appending iRule



I have requested to create iRule which will add appending to url, as the customer will write ( ) and the application won’t work unless you write the following ( )



1) I created the following irule but the pictures on the page doesn’t appear





if { not ([HTTP::uri] starts_with "/test") } {


HTTP::uri /test/app.aspx [HTTP::uri]







2) I used redirection irule like this and it works but I don’t know if this will affect the application





if {


[HTTP::uri] equals "" or [HTTP::uri] equals "/" } {


HTTP::redirect }}




I would like if someone help me in No.1 to make work.
  • For the first iRule, let's say your incoming URI is "/foobar". You are resetting the URI to the "/test/app.aspx /foobar". I'm assuming that isn't what you want to do. If you just want to change the URI to /test/app.aspx" then leave out your trailing [HTTP::uri] from the assignment.



    You mean to remove [HTTP::uri] and make like this:



    when HTTP_REQUEST {


    if { not ([HTTP::uri] starts_with "/test") } {


    HTTP::uri /test/app.aspx







    But this gives the same results as the pictures didn’t appear.
  • If you just want to rewrite requests to the root document (path equals /), you could use this:

     when HTTP_REQUEST {  
         Check if path is /  
        if {[HTTP::path] eq "/"}{  
            Rewrite path to /test/app.aspx 
           HTTP::path "/test/app.aspx"  

    If you want to prepend a string to all URIs if it's not there already, you can use a rule like this:

     when HTTP_REQUEST {  
         Check if path doesn't already start with /test/ 
        if { not ([HTTP::path] starts_with "/test/")}{  
            Rewrite path by prepending "/test/" 
           HTTP::path "/test/[HTTP::path]"  

    Note that if you don't care about inspecting the query string it should be more efficient to modify just the path using HTTP::path.

  • All,


    I have an append/redirect question.


    Right now I am doing a straight redirect based on two different paths, but now my users want to add arguments to the paths how can I do this? Below is the current rule and an example of the url the users are trying to use.



    when HTTP_REQUEST {


    if { [HTTP::uri] equals "/dev" } {


    log local0. "Found the uri /"


    HTTP::redirect ""




    if { [HTTP::uri] equals "/test" } {


    log local0. "Found the uri /"


    HTTP::redirect ""







    so basically the redirection takes you to the apache server running on 4444 instead of 443, but the question is if a user hit -or- the redirect takes them to the mainpage (since that is what the rule tells it to do), but how can I grab the PROJECT code or the USERNAME and pass that to the redirect or append it to the redirect?





  • Hi Matt,



    It would help if you created a new post for your question. You can parse the fields in the path using getfield:



    [getfield "/path1/path2/path3" "/" 3] returns path2



    So [getfield [HTTP::path] "/" 3] for a request to /test/USERNAME would return USERNAME.



    If you create a new post, can you add a few examples of what you'd like the original and modified requests to look like?




