Forum Discussion

Spence_Fasching's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 28, 2013

Apparent Directory issues in iControl

We use an iControl app so that non-F5 admins can manage their pools (bring pool members in and out of service, etc). The app works great if all objects associated with a pool are in the same folder (for example, /prod/shared is one of our folders - so all pool members and the pool itself are in "/prod/shared"). We have run into an issue where the iControl app throws an exception if a pool member resides in the "Common" partition. For example, the pool is in /prod/shared but the pool members associated with that pool have their nodes in /Common/shared. Any ideas on how to get the iControl application to understand that pool members are not in the relative path?


Thanks Spence


  • Brent_West_7733's avatar
    Historic F5 Account



    If you reference the pool member by absolute path... /Partition(Folder)/Member it will work as expected.


    If you are unsure where a pool member resides, you can retrieve it with LocalLB::Pool::get_member_v2 instead of LocalLB::Pool_Member::get_member. The "v2" method includes the path as part of the member name.


    See: pool_member_v2


    • Spence_Fasching's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      We are blowing up when using "LocalLB::Pool::get_all_statistics" Is there a comparable v11 only version that will also include the path when querying the members of each pool?