Forum Discussion

scorpa_121336's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 20, 2013

APM with multiple routedomains and SNAT automap



I have this policy 1.Auth user in localDB 2.According to user assign ip lease pool, routedomain and SNAT auto map.


So this is not working. When user connecting he got valid ip lease pool but SNAT is not in effect. I tried to make SNAT pool but it's wont work either. In my policy i have first advanced resource assign with webtop and network resourses. Then Route domain selection box where i choosed routedomain and SNAT automap. Where is my mistake? How can i force to use SNAT?


  • What do you have configured under "Access Policy" -> "Network Access" -> (Select Network Resource) -> "Network Settings" - General Settings and SNAT Pool? It could be that setting is overriding the setting in the VPE. If it set to AutoMap change it to None and see if that helps you out.




  • Did you find a solution? Did you set a non-default Route Domain in the APM Route domain selection box? In which Route Domain is your Connectivity Profile (in the Network / VLAN config)? By default it's in the default route domain and should be in the same RD as what you've configured in your APM Route Domain selection. Alexandre