Forum Discussion

Peter_Kim's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 05, 2019

APM using Machine cert auth to check Mac

I've been searching and searching to get the right answer for this question. So far, I don't have a clear answer for it. What I'm trying to do is using "Machine Cert Auth" to authenticate Mac when it tries to connect over VPN. This will be the first thing APM will check. I found several documents on F5 websites. All of them are talking same thing. I think I followed the documents and filled out all the information within "Machine Cert Auth" popup window and it still fails. Is there way to find out why and where it fails? Access system logs doesn't tell you much even with debug option enable. Any suggestions? I'll really appreciate it if you suggest anything.

  • Hello, in the internal help it has the following, did you configure this? "For a Mac client, if you do not want to use the default location, you must type the name of a keychain file. Type only the file name, which is case-sensitive, without a file path. To view keychains, use the security list-keychains command from the Terminal."