Forum Discussion

CX_280703's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 08, 2016

APM Policy Size Recomandations and Spiking CPU

I just wanted to ask a couple of quick questions around an APM Access Policy.


Are there maximum size recommendations for an access policy? how big can you go before you would start seeing performance issues. e.g. how many items/marcos in the policy.


Secondly does anyone have the issue where if you copy a large policy the CPU spikes to 100% for 5-10 minutes after the copy causing some SAML/idP connections to be dropped? Then once the CPU calms down again it goes back to normal?


  • Copy/Export/Import operations operate outside of the normal management (gui/mcpd) process. I'd suggest to open a support ticket. Management ops shouldn't cause any kind of service disruption unless you're on an already oversubscribed virtual host.


  • Lucas_Thompson_'s avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    Copy/Export/Import operations operate outside of the normal management (gui/mcpd) process. I'd suggest to open a support ticket. Management ops shouldn't cause any kind of service disruption unless you're on an already oversubscribed virtual host.


  • For those interested, the following was received from Support:


    K15003: Data plane and control plane tasks use separate logical cores when the BIG-IP system CPU uses Hyper-Threading Technology


    The even-numbered hyper-threads (0, 2, 4, etc.) are dedicated to TMM as a high-priority process to service data plane tasks. The odd-numbered hyper-threads (1, 3, 5, etc.) process control plane tasks at a normal priority level


    Per K15003, odd-numbered cores are dedicated to control plane tasks while even-numbered cores are dedicated for data plane (TMM). Therefore, you are likely not noticing any sort of traffic impact (as that's handled by TMM and is part of the data plane) but seeing high CPU usage due to other control plane processes on core 1 and 3.




    To copy a certain policy in the same unit with different name means to add huge configuration (depend on how complicate), it would impact the system in a certain degree.


    We would recommend you to run "export" option rather than "copy". Export the policy base on existing policy configuration this will lighten the system performance and resource usage.


    The above recommendations significantly reduced the CPU usage and have sped up our whole process.