Forum Discussion

RyanDM2_175490's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 13, 2014

APM Network Access, Application Access, ACL

I want to verify a configuration that I am creating.


  1. RDP to various PC's through Application Access
  2. Network Access to multiple subnets
  3. ACLs that would limit Network Access subnets in 2 to ssh to specific hosts that are NOT related to RDP computers in 1.



RDP-PC 1 is


Network Access is


ACL limits to for ssh only.


Is this the best way to do this? Does APM recognize this, or will the ACLs block my RDP since it is neither the Network Access nor ssh?


Thanks, Ryan


  • All resources create allow ACL for themselves. In your example, RDP will be available, ACL will block non-ssh connections to only.


  • Alexey_384's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    All resources create allow ACL for themselves. In your example, RDP will be available, ACL will block non-ssh connections to only.