Forum Discussion

shinchan-f5's avatar
Jun 17, 2020

APM Access reports generated using custom Report works for few users while doesn't work for some users


We have a requirement to generate custom access report for specific users, the users are accessing the same access-policy through VS.

users :





I am using custom report to generate Access Report for specific users.

I use "login user name" is "xyz" as Report Constraint.

It works fine.


Doesn't Work

We use the exact same custom report

Just modified the "login user name" to "abc" in Report Constraint.

The report doesnt give any logs.

While there are many times user "abc" logged before.


I even used the duration of more than a month till date. Obviously the session start time for user "abc" should fall inside of the time duration specified in the 'Report Parameters' dialog when the report is run.(ref - K74975350)

Still no luck.


Need assistance to understand this unusual behavior where it showing the report for one user but not for other.

  • Missed to notice - the logging for access policy was set to debug. Modified it to notice.

    Hopefully it should solve the issue.