Forum Discussion

Luis_P__219317's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 27, 2015

APM - Tracking SSL users access

Hi everyone!


I've been configuring a new APM Virtual Edition in the last days, and there's a thing I don't see anywhere, and don't know if it is even possible.


I have a local database where I create and enable/disable the users who can log in the SSL remote connection, and I'd like to know which one of them is connected at a specific moment, when were the last time the user logged in...


Is there any way to find these kind of logs or statistics?


Thanks in advance, Luis.


  • I have just seen that some interesting info may be collected from /var/log/apm log file:


    apm notice apd[7626]: 01490010:5: 0f82acf7: Username 'lpastor'


    apm notice apd[7626]: 01490008:5: 0f82acf7: Connectivity resource x assigned


    apm notice apd[7626]: 01490128:5: 0f82acf7: Webtop x assigned


    apm notice apd[7626]: 01490005:5: 0f82acf7: Following rule 'fallback' from item 'Advanced Resource Assign' to ending 'Allow'


    apm notice apd[7626]: 01490102:5: 0f82acf7: Access policy result: Full


    apm notice tmm[11537]: 01490501:5: 0f82acf7: Session deleted due to user logout request. apm notice tmm[11537]: 01490521:5: 0f82acf7: Session statistics - bytes in: 9145, bytes out: 3705


    Anyway, if you know a better way, please let me know.


  • Hi,


    you can see all session information in Web UI / reports / all sessions or create custom reports with filters to search all previous sessions of a user.