Forum Discussion

Jorjjj's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 09, 2015

APM - SSL VPN Client Side check based on pre-defined list of MAC ADDRESSES

Hello There I am configuring an SSL VPN policy, where i need to filter Users connecting based on their MAC ADDRESSes


When creating my Policy, i have chosen the Client side check MACHINE INFO, but can't see any info related to client MAC Address


Can someone please provide with steps needed to create a list of allowed MAC ADDRESSES? From my readings, i think i should create a datagroup, but i'm not sure about the type i need to create, and what info to fill in it (String, Value)


Do i need to create any Irule for that? Or i could add the check directly on the Machine Info Check in the VPE?


If so, how to add the check to match the collected client MAC ADDRESS with the Pre-Defined list?


Thanks, Regards,


  • kunjan's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    1) You can create a DG with string.

    ltm data-group internal macDG {
        records {
            00:50:56:B3:7B:4E { }
        type string

    2) Create an ACCESS_POLICY_AGENT_EVENT iRule

       if { [ACCESS::policy agent_id] eq "chkmac" } {
          set mac [ACCESS::session data get "session.machine_info.last.net_adapter.list.\[0\].mac_address" ]
          if { [class match $mac equals macDG } {
             ACCESS::session data set "session.logon.custom.chkmac" 1
          } else {
             ACCESS::session data set "session.logon.custom.chkmac" 0

    3) Create VPE with iRule event with ID "chkmac"

    4) Verify the session.logon.custom.chkmac in the VPE

    apm policy policy-item /Common/ap_maccheck_act_empty {
        caption chkmac
        color 1
        item-type action
        rules {
                caption "MacVerified"
                expression "expr { [mcget {session.logon.custom.chkmac}] == 1 }"
                next-item ....
                caption fallback
                next-item ...
  • Jorjjj's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    Hello There Thanks for your answer


    I am having some errors while applying the iRule,



    I added the Datagroup as the following :


    And here how my Policy looks like, where should I add the last Part? (4) Verify the session.logon.custom.chkmac in the VPE?



    Thanks, Regards, Georges


  • kunjan's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    You can add (4) after the chkmac_iRule_Event

    Try this, there was typo earlier

       if { [ACCESS::policy agent_id] eq "chkmac" } {
          set mac [ACCESS::session data get "session.machine_info.last.net_adapter.list.\[0\].mac_address" ]
          if { [class match $mac equals macDG] } {
             ACCESS::session data set "session.logon.custom.chkmac" 1
          } else {
             ACCESS::session data set "session.logon.custom.chkmac" 0
  • Jorjjj's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    Hello The iRule was Saved properly, Thx!


    Once last question, How should i add the (4) after the iRule? Should be a branch Rule within the iRule box? Or a seperate function/Box to be added? If so, what type should it be?


    Thanks Regards,


  • kunjan's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    You can do following

    1) Insert 'Empty' empty action

    2) Go to 'Add branch rule' (change -> Advanced ->
    expr { [mcget {session.logon.custom.chkmac}] == 1 }