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forsan_102218's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 06, 2018

Ansible bigip_device_facts - Filter Output


I'm new to ansible and have installed ansible version 2.7 and I'm trying to understand how I can filter the output from the new bigip_device_facts module as bigip_facts are depreciated.

I have checked the devcentral post for the old bigip_facts on

But the output from the bigip_device_facts is not the same as bigip_facts.

The new one looks like following:

changed: [ -> localhost] => {
    "changed": true,
    "invocation": {
        "module_args": {
            "auth_provider": null,
            "gather_subset": [
            "password": "VALUE_SPECIFIED_IN_NO_LOG_PARAMETER",
            "server": "",
            "server_port": 443,
            "transport": null,
            "user": "admin",
            "validate_certs": false
    "vlans": [
            "auto_lasthop": "default",
            "cmp_hash_algorithm": "default",
            "failsafe_action": "failover-restart-tm",
            "failsafe_enabled": "no",
            "failsafe_timeout": 90,
            "full_path": "/Common/HA",
            "if_index": 160,
            "interfaces": [
                    "full_path": "1.3",
                    "name": "1.3",
                    "tagged": "no"
            "learning_mode": "enable-forward",
            "mtu": 1500,
            "name": "HA",
            "sflow_poll_interval": 0,
            "sflow_poll_interval_global": "yes",
            "sflow_sampling_rate": 0,
            "sflow_sampling_rate_global": "yes",
            "source_check_enabled": "disabled",
            "tag": 4092,
            "true_mac_address": "00:0c:29:e0:10:eb"

Compared to the old:

  "ansible_facts": {
    "vlan": {
        "/Common/VLAN_10": {

How can I use the debug msg to fileter and print values like vlan id (tag in this case).

Br Andréas

  • The result from bigip_device_facts contains a list of dictionaries. It can be processed in a number of ways depending on the output you want, but here's a simple example how to print the output with debug:

      - bigip_device_facts:
          provider: "{{ provider_vars }}"
            - vlans
        register: gathered_facts
      - name: "Debug vlans"
          msg: "VLAN {{ }} has tag {{ item.tag }}"
        with_items: "{{ gathered_facts.vlans }}"
  • The result from bigip_device_facts contains a list of dictionaries. It can be processed in a number of ways depending on the output you want, but here's a simple example how to print the output with debug:

      - bigip_device_facts:
          provider: "{{ provider_vars }}"
            - vlans
        register: gathered_facts
      - name: "Debug vlans"
          msg: "VLAN {{ }} has tag {{ item.tag }}"
        with_items: "{{ gathered_facts.vlans }}"
  • Hi all,

    I came here with the same doubt. the answer given is good and works perfectly, but if the gather_subset item contains a special character, it doesn't work.

    This produces an error:

      - bigip_device_facts:
          provider: "{{ provider_vars }}"
            - ltm-pools
        register: gathered_facts
      - name: "Debug vlans"
          msg: "VLAN {{ }} has tag {{ item.tag }}"
        with_items: "{{ gathered_facts.ltm-pools }}"

    Output error:

     FAILED! => {"msg": "Unable to look up a name or access an attribute in template string ({{ bigip_device_facts.ltm-pools }}).\nMake sure your variable name does not contain invalid characters like '-': unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'StrictUndefined' and 'AnsibleUnicode'"}
            to retry, use: --limit @/opt/project/facts.retry

    Any ideas? Thanks.

  • Vladimir_Bojko1's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    I think your error is: gathered_facts.ltm_pools instead of gathered_facts.ltm-pools


  • Hi,


    It was my fault. I was using as variable the 'ltm-pool' option from gather_subset instead of the 'ltm_pool' from the output of the registered facts. It works as expected.




    • jmartinez_38641's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Hi all, I am having another issue obtaining filtered information from this module. With the given example, I can use the item.* for referencing the subfields under 'vlans'.

      "bigip_device_facts": {
          "changed": true, 
          "failed": false, 
          "vlans": [
                  "auto_lasthop": "default", 
                  "cmp_hash_algorithm": "default", 
                  "failsafe_action": "failover-restart-tm", 
                  "failsafe_enabled": "no", 
                  "failsafe_timeout": 90, 
                  "full_path": "/Common/F5TEST", 
                  "if_index": 96, 
                  "learning_mode": "enable-forward", 
                  "mtu": 1500, 
                  "name": "F5TEST", 
                  "sflow_poll_interval": 0, 
                  "sflow_poll_interval_global": "yes", 
                  "sflow_sampling_rate": 0, 
                  "sflow_sampling_rate_global": "yes", 
                  "source_check_enabled": "disabled", 
                  "tag": 2015, 
                  "true_mac_address": "00:11:22:33:44:55"

      But, if I use the subset 'ltm-pools', there is another sublevel under members.

      "bigip_device_facts": {
          "changed": true, 
          "failed": false, 
          "ltm_pools": [
                  "allow_nat": "yes", 
                  "allow_snat": "yes", 
                  "client_ip_tos": "pass-through", 
                  "client_link_qos": "pass-through", 
                  "full_path": "/Common/mypool", 
                  "ignore_persisted_weight": "no", 
                  "lb_method": "round-robin", 
                  "members": [
                          "address": "", 
                          "connection_limit": 0, 
                          "dynamic_ratio": 1, 
                          "ephemeral": "no", 
                          "fqdn_autopopulate": "no", 
                          "full_path": "/Common/myhost:8080", 
                          "inherit_profile": "yes", 
                          "logging": "no", 
                          "monitors": [], 
                          "name": "myhost:8080", 
                          "partition": "Common", 
                          "priority_group": 0, 
                          "rate_limit": "no", 
                          "ratio": 1, 
                          "state": "disabled"

      I want to extract only 'name' and 'state', but it remains in the previous level.

      - name: "LTM_POOLS OUTPUT"
          msg: "{{ item.members }} has name {{ }} and state {{ item.state }}"
        with_items: "{{ bigip_device_facts.ltm_pools }}"
        when: item.full_path  == "/Common/mypool"

      This doesn't work. It remains at member level. How can I reference the sublevel of members? Thanks!